Neo-Natal Checks




Please register you baby as soon as you can with our practice. The sooner they are registered the sooner a GP can see your baby and help you in the New Born Period. All babies are booked for a detailed examination at 8 weeks and the GP will see them prior to their first immunisations. However, you dont need to wait till 8 weeks to see a GP. If you have any concerns about your baby please book a face to face appointment with one of our doctors. 

image depicting baby being weighed

In most cases, the Practice will contact new mums to arrange for the 8 week check. On rare occasions where we are unaware of the birth, please feel free to give us a call and arrange an appointment or visit.

Reception Manager is responsible for organising all Post Natal Checks for mum and baby. When we receive notification of your babies birth we will invite you both in for an appointments; 20 minute for a review of your baby and 10 minutes for a review of the mother.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do you do Baby Checks and When?

All Babies and their mothers are invited into the practice at 8 weeks. The doctors do an 8 week baby check on the baby and they offer the mother as well an 8 week review. In addition, the nurses give the babies their first lot of immunisations at 8 weeks.

2. Do you work with the Health Visitors?

Yes we work closely with the health visitors.